
whole line Learn more about whole line

  • The basic characteristics of the shade line grass characteristics of the shade line grass

    The basic characteristics of the shade line grass characteristics of the shade line grass

    The basic characteristics of the shade line grass characteristics of the shade line grass

  • Brief introduction of New Rice combination in Fengle seed Industry

    Brief introduction of New Rice combination in Fengle seed Industry

    The rice research institute of Yuxiangyou No. 2 line Fengle seed Industry used the new two-line hybrid rice combination of high quality, high yield, disease resistance and aroma derived from Guangzhan 63s wide compatibility restorer line Fengxianghui 1 to participate in the pre-test of medium rice in Hubei Province in 2003 and the regional test of medium rice in Hubei Province in 2004. The whole growth period of this variety as medium rice is about 135 days, which is equivalent to that of Shanyou 63. The plant height is about 125 cm, the total number of grains per panicle is 180-200, the seed setting rate is about 85%, the 1000-grain weight is 28g, and the yield per mu is 600 under normal conditions.

  • The latest Research on the Evolution of National Orchid Line Art

    The latest Research on the Evolution of National Orchid Line Art

    Zhenhe, middle dwarf lotus petal of lotus petal orchid, thick-skinned broad-leaf lotus petal orchid from Baoshan, Yunnan, the first sight of this flower is this angle in the photo, this is the position, it seems to be made by its momentum, a strong sense of asphyxiation, can not feel the heartbeat, at a distance of two meters, I look at it reverently and solemnly. Yunnan is rich in.

  • Taipei MRT Bureau: all 17 trains on the ring line will be delivered.

    Taipei MRT Bureau: all 17 trains on the ring line will be delivered.

    At present, the overall construction progress of the MRT ring line built by the Taipei MRT Engineering Bureau has reached 90%, of which 17 brand-new-shaped electric cars that provide convenient transportation of passengers have all arrived at the Nan Machinery Factory and carried out various testing operations, officially announced.

  • Guangming pig line

    Guangming pig line

    Guangming pig matching line is composed of two specialized strains: paternal line and maternal line. Guangming male line is based on Duroc pig, and Guangming maternal line is based on Shige female pig, which is selected and bred after 5 generations. Guangming pig is cultivated by Shenzhen Guangming Animal Husbandry Joint Venture Co., Ltd., approved by the Pig breed approval Committee of the National Livestock and Poultry breed approval Committee in July 1998 and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture in July 1999. Guangming pig matching line adopts binary matching, easy to operate, obvious heterosis and good consistency of commercial pigs. Have health

  • What is hybrid rice?

    What is hybrid rice?

    With the application and popularization of hybrid rice, the yield per unit area has been increased and the seed consumption has been reduced. So what is hybrid rice? What is hybrid rice? There are some genetic differences in the selection of two hybrid rice, and their excellent characters at the same time.

    2020-11-09 What yes hybrid rice along with the application of hybrid rice
  • Screening of 8 new strains of virus-free boll potato

    Screening of 8 new strains of virus-free boll potato

    1 Materials and methods 1.1 A total of 9 new strains of virus-free potato were tested, all of which were introduced from the potato breeding and virus-free center of Bijie Prefecture. The strain numbers are: B9904mur2, B9904mur1, B9901mur33, B9911mur1, B9911mur3, B9907mur4, B9910mur9, BP26, CK. 1.2 the test method is set on the contracted land of Chen Guangyi peasant household in Fengshan Village, Fengshan Township, Dafang County.

  • The appreciation knowledge of Orchid

    The appreciation knowledge of Orchid

    Carrying forward the national orchid culture and spreading the knowledge of orchids the appreciation of orchids is a profound and complex issue. As the saying goes, "those who know are treasures, those who do not know know grass." Why? Orchids show their value as a living work of art. ...

  • What is the fastidiousness of pile Jingzhi?

    What is the fastidiousness of pile Jingzhi?

    The branch is like a human limb. It forms the skeleton of the plant together with the trunk. The layout of branches determines the layout of "leaves". Therefore, the layout of branches is very important. In the composition of the pile scene, the branches are mainly composed of side branches, back branches and covered branches.

  • The types of cliff bonsai and matters needing attention in production

    The types of cliff bonsai and matters needing attention in production

    The main tree species of cliff-style bonsai are: five-needle pine, black pine, Jiuli incense, hammer elm, sparrow plum, small leaf yellow poplar and so on, which can be divided into three types: semi-suspended type, full-hanging type and inverted type bonsai. Next, the editor will talk about the main points of these three kinds of cliff-style bonsai and the matters needing attention when making them.

  • 9 Hand-scrolls representing the highest achievements of Chinese calligraphy

    9 Hand-scrolls representing the highest achievements of Chinese calligraphy

    "Fu Ping Tie," tooth-colored hemp paper ink, 9 lines 84 words. Pingfu Tie was written in the Western Jin Dynasty. It is the earliest famous calligraphy and the first orderly calligraphy ink in history. It has the reputation of "the ancestor of the law". Be judged...

  • At dusk, a bowl of batter in Jiang Mu Li | Pork ribs, firewood, fish and onion soup, accompanied by a plate of radish hot tea to listen to songs.

    At dusk, a bowl of batter in Jiang Mu Li | Pork ribs, firewood, fish and onion soup, accompanied by a plate of radish hot tea to listen to songs.

    At dusk, a bowl of batter in Jiang Mu Li | Pork ribs, firewood, fish and onion soup, accompanied by a plate of radish hot tea to listen to songs.

  • Chinese scientists reveal the Mystery of Sex determination of Cucumber

    Chinese scientists reveal the Mystery of Sex determination of Cucumber

    Chinese scientists reveal the Mystery of Sex determination of Cucumber

  • Appreciation and identification knowledge of orchids

    Appreciation and identification knowledge of orchids

    What are the special terms for appreciating Chinese orchids? In the long practice of appreciation, people have created a lot of special terms in order to express the conclusion of appraisal and the experience of appreciation. As big as the whole of the Chinese orchid, subtle to the leaf tip of the orchid.

  • 180 square meters of neoclassical style decoration effect drawings are full of dazzling style.

    180 square meters of neoclassical style decoration effect drawings are full of dazzling style.

    Elegant details, open posture, dignified fineness. The characteristics of neoclassicism-Lady lines, dark gold and silver colors, low profile and luxurious details-can be thick or light, with gold and dark red in color.

  • M Fengliangyou No.2 (Rice)

    M Fengliangyou No.2 (Rice)

    The female parent M8064S has a recessive marker of the lethal gene sensitive to bentazon. The whole growth period of the hybrid combination is 141d, the tillering ability is strong, the plant height is 130.2cm, the total grains per panicle is 263.6, the seed setting rate is 76.6%, and the 1000-grain weight is 25.6g. Main advantages: moderate ripening period and safe purity. In the combination of male sterile lines with lethal markers of bentazon sensitive gene, when abnormal self-mixing occurs, rice field herbicides can be applied at the seedling stage of hybrid seeds to selectively kill the self-crossing seedlings of male sterile lines to ensure the hybrid rice field.

  • D702 Youduo Line 1 (Rice)

    D702 Youduo Line 1 (Rice)

    Basic situation D702 Youduo No. 1 hybrid middle and late rice selected by Sichuan Agricultural University and introduced by Youxi County Institute of improved Variety Biochemistry. In the provincial regional test from 1998 to 1999, the average unit yield of 502.7kg/667m2 and 564.1kg/667m2 was 9.21% and 9.20% higher than that of Shanyou 63. The whole growth period of medium rice is 139 days, which is equal to that of the control. I have a feeling of rice blast. Breeders Sichuan Agricultural University

  • Huayou 123 (Rice)

    Huayou 123 (Rice)

    Huayou 128 is a late maturing combination of three-line hybrid early rice bred by male sterile line Y Huanong An and restorer line R128. It is suitable for early and late planting outside northern Guangdong. The rice area of northern Guangdong can also be used as middle and late rice according to local conditions. In December 2001 and March 2002, it was approved by Guangxi and Guangdong respectively. 1. Yield performance: participated in the provincial regional test in the late season of 2000 and 2001, the yield per mu was 449kg and 4451 kg respectively, which was 44% higher than that of the control combination Peiza Shuangqi.

  • If you don't grow Lentinus edodes, is there really no way out?

    If you don't grow Lentinus edodes, is there really no way out?

    If you don't grow Lentinus edodes, is there really no way out?

  • Several common diseases and insect pests of Euonymus tomentosa

    Several common diseases and insect pests of Euonymus tomentosa

    1. The yellow poplar silk leaf borer larva spun silk to connect the surrounding leaves and twigs as temporary nests, and then ate up the leaves in serious cases, resulting in the death of seedlings. Morphological features: adult body wings are gray-white, the front, outer and trailing edges of the wings are purple-brown wide band, there are two white spots on the leading edge of the purplish brown belt, the scales are shiny, and the purplish red shines. The head of the larva is black, the carcass is yellowish green, the topline, subtopline and valve line are dark green to dark green, and the valve line is orange. Occurrence regularity: 2 to 3 generations a year in the northern region, with larvae
